We are delighted to announce the winners of this year’s Warwick Business School scholarships.

Our partnership with WBS is now in its fourth year, and provides applicants from an armed forces background with access to its world-leading management programmes every year. We are grateful to all the team at WBS for their continued support and partnership for these prestigious awards.

This year’s Executive MBA award goes to Jake Ardley, who will be starting his Executive MBA at WBS’ London base at The Shard in March 2022. Jake is a high-achieving British Army officer, currently serving as principal staff officer to the Head of Army Logistics. Selected as the Army’s best logistics officer in 2018, he is consistently asked to support the most challenging projects the Army works on. In 2020, Jake founded Conformable, set up to fill a gap in the medical device market.

The winner of this year’s Executive Diploma award is John Lodge. John will be starting the Warwick Executive Diploma in Strategy and Innovation next month. John served in the Army, leaving as a Captain in 2012. He then joined the NHS in operational management and currently has a senior management role as the Head of Quality Improvement for London. John has also recently embarked on what is rapidly becoming an overlapping third career as a healthcare entrepreneur, co-founding the first (and still only) national healthcare timebank in Europe, called Hexitime. Set up in 2019, the business engages people and communities to collaborate with their skills to improve health and care services.
Professor Andy Lockett, Dean of WBS, comments ‘We believe in the power of business to change the world for the better, and that business schools should have a leading role in fuelling that change.
Jake’s entrepreneurial spirit and flair were evident throughout his application, as well as the way he’s bridged the military and commercial world […] he’s a true Change Maker.
John is keenly focused on realising efficiencies and fundamental improvements […] this is a key example of John’s entrepreneurial spirit, as well as his in-built altruistic nature’.
Jake says ‘I am absolutely delighted to have been selected. I’m very excited to begin my journey as one of Warwick Business School’s Change Makers […] I see an amazing opportunity to build on my experience with the Royal Logistics Corp and to set myself up for success outside of the military’.
John comments ‘This will help me run and develop my social enterprise that operates in healthcare to support people improving health and care services […] I am absolutely delighted’.
We would like to congratulate Jake and John on their scholarships and look forward to hearing more about their learning journeys.
Thank you to WBS for their extremely generous support and sponsorship of the Heropreneurs Awards. We also extend our thanks to our mentors and panel of judges for their time and support to these awards.
For more information about applying to our mentorship programme please click here
For more information on Warwick Business School please click here
Watch our video announcement which includes reactions from both Jake and John, and Professor Lockett, representing our wonderful sponsor Warwick Business School.