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Start-Up of the Year 2024

This award recognises a business in the early-stages of its inception, which is most successfully transitioning from an idea to an operational business. The successful applicant will have a commercial product or service, a strong and sustainable business plan, and dedicated, enthusiastic management. 


CLOSING DATE: 5pm-Wednesday 3rd July


Entry Criteria

  • The business must have been established for 2 years or less by the closing date, 28th June. 

  • The entrant must either be former UK Armed Forces service personnel, a military spouse/partner, OR currently a serving member of the UK Armed Forces , or currently part of our mentoring programme.

Start-Up of the Year 2024

Nomination Form Tips

  • Read the questions carefully. Make sure you answer them all with the information required. 

  • Provide a narrative – not bullet points. However, remember that we are not looking for perfect written English. Above all, the Judges are assessing your passion, innovation and drive. 

  • Remember, the Judges will be looking for information about the business and what makes it a possible winner. 

  • Each question has a maximum word count. Consider and stick to what information is relevant to your answer, as the system will not allow you to go over the word count.

  • Please note, if you quit the browser before submitting your nomination, your work will not be saved. 

  • Consider drafting your answers in Word (keep an eye on the word count), then complete the form using copy-and-paste. That way you can revisit your details before making your final submission. 

  • If you are nominating someone/a business and you do not have the information to answer some of the questions then please leave the field blank. If necessary, we will contact the nominee to request the information.

Start-Up of the Year 2024 Nomination Form

Nominator Details (if applicable)

Please complete the following questions:

Thanks for your nomination!

Submit Start-Up of the Year Nomination
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